Acoustic Sounds
KLAUDIO Headquarters
By: Michael Trochalakis

July 23rd, 2023


Factory Tours

Our Man In Seattle, Michael Trochalakis Visits KLAUDiO's Peter Cheon at His Koolance Headquarters

no manufacturing here, but Peter's vintage gear and vintage gear replicas will interest you

Michael had such a good time interviewing Peter at the Seattle Audio Fest, he got himself invited to the Koolance warehouse where he saw all of Peter's vintage and replica vintage audio gear along with a few new KLAUDiO products.

Also interesting was seeing Peter's "real" business, which involves industrial water management and cooling systems. Mr. Cheon has 200+ products he's designed in his line, many of which are patented. This is a short, interesting video of a man and his hobby-passion!

While English isn't Peter's first language you should no difficulty understanding what he's saying or his obvious audio passion. While Mr. Cheon says tap water is fine to use in the new machine because it has robust filtration, I still recommend using distilled water. It's not expensive and with the filter you can clean a lot of records before you need to change the water!

Also while Peter recommends not using alcohol or other surfactants in his machine and I agree, the use of a small amount of alcohol as a mold-killer is recommended in the Kirmuss machine and I use 40mL of 70% alcohol and it's perfectly safe to use in that machine. —M.F.

If you are interested in purchasing the KLAUDiO record cleaning machine go here


  • 2023-07-24 10:05:35 AM

    FransZappa wrote:

    This video put such a BIG smile on my face. Mr. Cheon should get his own corner here at TA. His hobby takes up only 10% of his time ... I cannot begin to imagine what another extra 5% of his time would sound and look like: praise to you mr Cheon!

  • 2023-07-24 10:18:30 PM

    Solypsa wrote:

    I've had the pleasure to visit Peter's audio room a few times. Very unique experience with a great majority of the gear hand made designs. Super fun!